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Year 4 - The Winter March!

What have Year 4 been doing?

Year Four have been doing their best to brighten up their days by getting to grips with co-ordinates, plotting shapes, X and Y axes, translations, rotations, lines of symmetry, and right angle turns. Remaining hopeful and enthusiastic about this unit was easy for most as three weeks of fractions were beginning to take their toll, however all made huge progress!

From castles in the sky to miniature fairy castles in the sand, some truly magical and wondrous castles were created in English with the help of Colin Thompson’s clever, spooky and captivating book ‘Castles’. The children used their grammar skills of extended noun phrases, paragraphs to organise their ideas as well as presenting their writing with headings and sub-headings to create some fantastic and fabulous reports on their fictional Castles.

With Norman Day fast approaching, February 10th, the children have been exploring all about 1066, the Battle of Hastings, Motte and Bailey Castles and the Doomsday book. With the sound of marching and singing rumbling through the upper school corridors, 4S and 4H have been showing off their stuff and practising for their class sharing assemblies. Be sure to check the school website for updates to the big day, but rumours are still abound that the King Dunmall might make an appearance, or at least his minstrel??

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