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Year 5's new adventure

Year 5 children have settled amazingly well into their new classrooms and loved that they were given their very own lockers. Pupils have been able to start their new adventure as the second oldest year group and with that, we introduced them to their new learning challenge driver “Why is the Amazon rainforest so important to Brazil?”. Pupils have been having their own adventure in the classroom with planning an itinerary for a journey to Brazil for a family of four, this gave the children the freedom to explore what they wanted and get a realistic look on how much an average journey would cost. The topic we have introduced links into our new book for English “Journey to the river sea”, children have been reading the story and writing their own version from the point of view from the main character Maia- children have been excited to get into the shoes of the character and use the new skills they are learning in class.

Approaching the third week, we are continuing with the rainforest which will link into our trip to Kew Gardens on the 4th and the 6th of October, where we will be taking part in a workshop all to do with rainforests. Just a reminder that if you have not paid, can you please do this on Laser and if you would like to come and help on the trip, please talk to your child’s class teacher.

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