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Year 6 important dates

It is a very busy time in Year 6 in the upcoming weeks and there are a number of events taking place. Please find below a list of dates to help plan the rest of the year:

Summer Fair:

Saturday 21st May, 2016.

School Production auditions:

Tuesday 24th June, 2016 (during school hours)

Fielding Science Fair:

8th, 9th and 10th June 2016.

Parents are invited to visit the Science Fair (located in the Sports Hall) on the 9th of June from 9 - 10am.

Year 6 Transition day:

Friday 1st July. Most (not all) pupils will be invited to visit their high school.

Year 6 Production:

Tuesday 12th July (6F and 6P)

Wednesday 13th July (6H and 6S)

Information specific to each event will be uploaded onto the year group notice board as you need it.


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