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Your views needed, annual parent survey

What are our strengths?  Where might we need to improve?

Each year we conduct an annual survey to find out parents' views. Your views are important to us.  We add your views to our own evaluation enabling us to identify our strengths and areas for improvement.   We would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the survey by following this link:

Anonymous responses are possible.  However, whatever your views, it helps us to know who you are so that we can better understand and/or follow-up on any concerns raised. 

Last year we received only 228 responses from families, representing 434 pupils, this was much lower than in previous years.  We would like an even stronger response this year. You told us that the things you most like about Fielding are:

  • Teaching and learning including the ‘commitment’ from our ‘professional caring’ teachers and the ‘the passion for providing children the best possible education’ (113 comments);
  • Outdoor space and environment, including the forest, field and all of our facilities (36 comments);
  • The community spirit of the school, including a ‘small school feel’ but all the opportunities and benefits of size (35 comments).
  • Values-based education, including the care and compassion that all adults show to children, our welcoming, friendly ethos (33 comments);
  • Opportunities for sport, music, teams, variety of clubs and specialist teaching (24 comments);

Parents would most like to change or improve:

  • Communication, wanting more proactive, transparent communication regarding key decisions (41 comments);
  • Clubs, including availability and booking arrangements (23 comments);
  • Implementation of the behaviour policy including stronger sanctions for repeated poor behaviour, playground supervision (15 comments);

Following your feedback we have:

  • Continued to increase the number of Specialist Clubs and spaces available for each year group, split the booking on Laser for each key-stage and upgrading servers and storage so that the system runs at a quicker rate.
  • We have further restructured our lunchtime supervision, moving away from traditional 'lunchtime supervisors' to playworkers who are known to the children,
  • We have continued to improve the facilities for children during play and and lunch times, including play equipment, zoned areas and improvements in the lunch halls. This term we will be recruiting a 'Leader of Play' who will oversee all play provision and opportunites for pupils.
  • We have worked with staff around consistency of implementing our behaviour policy and will continue to review this through out this term with any changes to be implemented during the Summer term.

The survey will close on Friday 1st February at 9am.

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