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Changes to behaviour and values approach

Refreshing approach to values and behaviour at Fielding Primary school 

At the start of summer term, we will be piloting an adapted behaviour policy and launching a new approach to our current Values system. This refresh is needed to deepen children’s understanding of what values look like in action so they can think about what values they should be using before making negative choices and to also make the behaviour approach more consistent and supportive of all children. The changes have come after analysing behaviour information, observations of lesson and playground behaviour and after some detailed pupil voice work. Children currently understand the purpose of values but are not always independently using them or considering them before acting.  

Changes to behaviour policy:

  • Moving from the existing way of collecting constellation stars to a more physical collection system of collecting tokens. The tokens have been designed for the school from potato starch and are fully biodegradable. New token system.
  • More detail added regarding expectations for supporting pupils with SEND.
  • The introduction of a behaviour hierarchy diagram that demonstrates our levels of rewards  and which behaviours will result in what sanction.
  • The reintroduction of the use of pupil lead conflict resolution to help children solve minor disagreements and issues independently.
  • The addition of scripts to recognise positive actions made by children especially when showing our new school core values.
  • Children in Reception will be placed into star constellations.

See more details on Behaviour page


Changes to Values approach:

In order to create a deepened understanding of values, we have chosen a set of core values that will underpin our teaching and approach to behaviour. The new core values will be:

  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Empathy
  • Reflection

The reasoning behind these chosen values is that they will result in a balance of developing the children both morally and academically. How these will be taught will be now be differentiated based on the age of the child. The focus in Early years will be an initial introduction to the four core values. Lower phase will continue to focus on the four core values with a different focus each month with the introduction of some synonyms to go with the core values. Key stage two will build on this further by focusing on a different value each month that will link back to one of the core values. There will also be a strong focus on lessons on both what the value looks like in action but also what actions are not showing the value.  More details about which Values are taught and when are on values page.

Both of these key changes are very exciting and should lead to the children’s behavioural and emotional development being further supported. There will be monthly updates on the focus core value and connected values.

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