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Nursery Easter Holiday Club

Fielding Nursery holiday club are planning a mixture of free play and planned activities, including lots of messy play for the children to get their hands on; shaving foam, cornflour, and flour will be explored, the children love to investigate these materials using a variety of tools.

We have a very special visitor coming into school on Tuesday 16th April at 10.30, Naomi is from the Blue Cross and will be bringing along ‘Dooby’ her pet puppet to share with the children. The children will learn about what pets need and how we can look after them, we are looking forwards to welcoming Naomi and Dooby to Fielding Nursery.

The children will have opportunities to make Easter biscuits, Easter cakes, Pizza and Fruit Skewers, cooking and baking are always popular with the children. The children will also enjoy an Easter hat parade and egg hunts, so a small treat will be the order of the day. We will be practicing our cutting skills with cucumber and lettuce which we will feed to the chickens when we visit.

Our popular outdoor play will include Fielding’s Forest, Pirate Ship and Reception Playground. The children really enjoy visiting these different play spaces, they find them challenging, interesting and a lot of fun.  Please make sure that your child is dressed in old clothes, bringing their coat to nursery as it can get windy on the school field too.

Please provide a wholesome healthy packed lunch and snack for tea, Fielding School is ‘nut free’ so do make sure that any food sent in with your child does not contain any form of nuts or sesame, please check all labels for ‘may contain nuts/traces of nuts’ ‘made in a factory which also uses nuts/peanuts’ any food with either or similar statements on labels will be sent home, please ensure you check all labels including seeded bread etc. The children will have access to fresh fruit throughout the day.

We are open five weeks across the summer holidays, these booking are open if you want to book early to secure your place. Please find the summer dates here

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