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Welcome back to school after half-term

We are looking forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Monday after the half-term break. Following the Prime Minister's announcement on Saturday evening and the government's initial guidance about the new 'lockdown' restrictions:

  • Nursery is open, 7.30am - 6pm
  • Reception, Year 1 - 6 classes are open from 8.30am
  • Breakfast Club is open and moves to new times, 7.30-8.30am to match the current school day.
  • After-school club is open, 3.30-6pm.
  • Breakfast club and after-school club are open to all pupils and can continue to stay open during the new restrictions because they enable parents to work.
  • Specialist clubs may close because it is not clear from the government's expectations whether these can continue. We will talk to our providers and let you know as soon as we can. Until then, please attend as booked. 

Learning in school is first-best for pupils. Government scientists tell us that schools are safe for pupils and staff, including reasonable evidence that primary school age children have a significantly lower rate of infection than adults (they are less likely to catch it):


I do not want this generation of children to miss out on the primary education they need to enable them to reach their dreams or meet life's opportunities. We want to stay open and will do everything that we can to avoid closing.


We will continue to work safely to minimise the risk of coronavirus infection transmission in school. I am talking to our staff team and all children tomorrow, again, about being COVID safe in school. I will publish the assembly for children. Anything that you can do at home to reinforce our messages of staying COVID safe will help us to minimise coronavirus infection and stay open for as long as we can.


We are ready to switch to remote learning using Microsoft Teams when individual pupils are self-isolating at home or if we ask any groups of pupils from our 'bubbles' to self-isolate at home. Learning and contact with a teacher will continue at home. Are you ready for learning at home, including Microsoft Teams?


We are likely to face turbulent times in school. We might need to be more flexible with our staffing to prioritise teaching of classes. Please be understanding if your class teacher is covered or the timetable changes because specialist teachers are moved to cover classes. We will tell you when we change things and why:

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