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Year 6 Excellent outcomes at end of key-stage 2

85% 'secondary ready'.  Superb mathematics outcomes

The majority of Fielding's Year 6 leavers have reached the government's expected standard (or above) in reading, writing and mathematics outcomes combined.  This headline measure of school performance shows how many pupils leave a primary school 'ready' for secondary school.  The school continues to focus on improving this measure, maintaining very high outcomes compared to other schools nationally.  Last year, 80% of our leavers met the standard, compared to 64% of Year 6 pupils nationally. 

Over a quarter of our pupils (29%) reached the higher standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined; compared to 23% last year and just 10% nationally.

Mathematics outcomes have improved considerably, reflecting a school improvement priority and change in teaching approach over the last couple of years.  Nearly every child (95%) reached the expected standard with half (50%) achieving the higher standard, reflecting sufficient stretch and challenge by teachers with pupils reasoning and explaining mathematically.  Last year, 85% met the expected standard with 36% reaching the higher standard.

Writing outcomes remain very high.  Nearly every child (96%) reached the expected standard with nearly half (44%) reaching the higher standard.

Reading outcomes remain well above national with 86% reaching the expected standard and 43% at the higher standard.  Reading and developing a breadth of knowledge and vocabulary from a broad and balanced curriculum from Year 3 has been identified as a new school priority from September 2019.  Read more:

Results were posted to parents by Royal Mail on Tuesday this week.

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