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YEAR 6: Final chance to leave a legacy at Fielding

First of all, the PTFA would like to thank all Year 6 students and parents for helping us raise game changing amounts of money over the time you have been at the school. We hope that your child's experience has been enriched with the work that the PTFA has helped fund...including the most recent addition of the Kitchen Garden.


One final request from the PTFA before you leave.  As some of you may know, Fielding has overhauled the 'Recommended Reading List' for students to read before they leave for secondary school. The PTFA would love to help stock the school library with some of these books and we are hoping to raise £5,000 from this initiative.  If you haven't been able to volunteer as much as you would have liked, then this is part of your lasting legacy!


There are three ways you can help: 

1. Donate money using the online link:   Please add you name and the book you want to donate.  We are asking for a minimum donation of £6.

2. You can purchase a book this weekend from any good book retailer and drop it into the school reception 

3. If you have any books at home from the reading list that you wish to donate, then these can also be dropped off at the school reception


The Recommended Reading List is available at

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