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1st Place to our KS2 Bowling team!!!

Today Fielding took 1 team to a Tenpin Bowling Competition at Tenpin in Acton. The Competition was hosted by the Featherstone Sports Partnership & Panathlon Challenge team.


We had 6 bowlers who were each trying to bowl as many strikes and spares as possible to be awarded Hotshot of the competition. After everyone had completed their game of bowling, scores were added up and each team had an average score calculated.


We were very pleased to find out we finished 1st place out of 13 schools.  As a result of our win, Fielding will be going through to the finals at the West London Bowling finals. 


A massive congratulations to Alex B (5F) who was awarded the Hotshot of the competition as she scored the most strikes and spares in the entire competition.


I am also delighted to announce that Martina (5S) scored 112 and Laila (6S) scored 104 points and is part of the Panathlon 100 club.


A huge well done to all our bowlers today, you were all fantastic!


Thank you to the following children:

Millie (3P), Aron (3P), Louis (4P), Martina (5S), Alex (5F), Laila (6S)



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