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A mighty 'Fine' treat for us all meeting Anne Fine yesterday

We were extremely fortunate to have been visited by award-winning children’s author, Anne Fine, yesterday.

Anne led phase assemblies during the morning and afternoon for children in Reception up to Year 6 and ended the morning and afternoon with eagerly-awaited book signings in the KS2 library. During her assemblies, pupils listened attentively whilst she talked about her writing process and roared with laughter as she read extracts from her books. Samson (RP) said, ‘That was funny to meet the person who writes the books.’ Emily (4P) said, ‘I liked finding out about why she called one of her books, ‘Nag Club.’ It was because there was a craze about bobble hats and everyone was nagging their parents to get them one.’ When asked why she became an author, Anne Fine stated, ‘I became a writer so that I could read 8 hours a day.’ ​Today, many children throughout the school have been seen clutching and reading a copy of one of Anne’s books.

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