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Circus Success & School’s Out Picnic (16 July)

The PTFA hosted Happy Circus together with St Marks School in Hanwell last weekend (14-15 May). Informal feedback from parents and children alike has been overwhelmingly positive, including the more obvious squeals of delight on the day. We’d like to say a huge thank you to the parent volunteers who helped in the run up to the event and over the weekend. For most, it was just an hour here and there, but it all mattered and made sure we could run the event safely and smoothly. We’re still totalling our takings for the PTFA over the two days and will share more information when we have it. And, if you’re up for more fun and socialising, make sure you set the date to attend the Fielding School’s Out Picnic on 16 July. This has been an extremely successful event in past years where families can meet and picnic on the Fielding field while the children run around and play safely in the locked and secure grounds. Look out ticket sales sometime in June.


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