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Fielding awarded 'Outstanding Readathon school,' by Read for Good

This week, Read for Good wrote to us to let us know that Fielding has been one of their best participants in Readathon over the years. Our school's recent Readathon raised £4102.80 which brings our grand total to £9485 since 1997. They stated, 'This is a truly incredible achievement and one that we believe should be celebrated.' We have therefore now been exclusively awarded, 'Outstanding Readathon school.'

They went on to thank us for our continued support over the years and said, 'It really does mean the world to us.' 


Fielding pupils received a video recording from Sir Tony Robinson saying, 'Thank you for reading and raising and being amazing.'


Read for Good award two 'star readers' at the end of each school Readathon who receive a £5 book token.  They wanted to especially thank Anabelle Wan, in RF who read books with her family at home and raised £150 and Rex Stafford in 4F who independently read and raised £145. A huge congratulations to these two pupils but also to everyone throughout the school who read and raised during Readathon. 


A huge congratulations once again to the many pupils across the school who have been reading books for pleasure from the recommended reading lists and completing reading response activities in their pink book to achieve bronze, silver, gold and even platinum certificates!  The options for these activities can be found in your child's reading record or on their year group noticeboard on the website. We look forward to celebrating further reading achievements next week!

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