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Fielding host second Year 3 and 4 tournament of the year

Last Friday Fielding organised and hosted a Year 3 and 4 football tournament which was attended by 11 teams from 8 schools! We have decided to organise a different tournament every half term this year to give our younger children the chance to experience competitive sport in an environment where they get to feel proud for representing their school. We had over 100 children at the tournament on Friday so were very pleased that we could offer this opportunity to so many children from other local schools too.


The afternoon was extremely cold but the children were superb and demonstrated a fantastic attitude all afternoon. The final was contested by St. Mark's and Edward Betham in what turned out to be a great game. St. Mark's were crowned champions after winning 2-0 to earn themselves a trophy to bring back to school.


Thank you to all of the schools who came to take part - your children really appreciated the opportunity. Thank you to QPR who provided us with 3 coaches to help referee games. Thank you to our own Year 6 Sports Captains who helped run the afternoon. Thank you to the parents for coming to support on a freezing afternoon. And finally thank you and well down to all of the children for competing so well and with demonstrating some excellent sporting values.


Check out the PE page for some more photos of the day.

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