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Primary School and Nursery

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Laser is changing the way we communicate

Annual calendar of events moving to Laser

When you next  log on to your Laser account you will see a new calendar icon. Over the summer break this will be populated with all events for the next school year. You will be able to see the events that are relevant to you and your child/ren. Each event will appear on the calendar as a link, click on the link for the full information about each event. Please note, the events calendar will no longer be updated in PDF format on the website.


Further developments for the new academic year will include, no more paper consent forms - you will be able to give consent and pay for all trips, music lessons and events via your Laser account. Look out for further updates on this website. You will be able to continue to book Childcare, Specialist Clubs and Parent Consultation meetings on Laser.


Please ensure your child's health care form is up-to-date ready for the new school year.


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