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No Outsiders, Book 5. What will your child be learning about after the Easter break?

Preparing children for life in modern Britain

This week marks a year since we introduced our No Outsiders programme in school.


During the first couple of weeks after the half-term break, children will be thinking about No Outsiders and how everyone is welcome in our school. During assemblies myself and Mr Dunmall will be using the No Outsiders assembly resources to talk about disabilities. We will link this to our core value of resilience.


In class the children will be listening to and discussing the 4th book (spring 2) in the series for their year group. 

Our No Outsiders books will be available in the key-stage 2 library for you to view, during parent consultation meetings on 19th February. 


Here is the list of books, with links, for the first half of spring term:


The 'No Outsiders' programme educates children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families.


It is taught to each year group through the use of age-appropriate books. Through these beautiful picture books, the children explore the concepts of equality, diversity, acceptance of differences and of the right of someone to have an opinion different to their own. .

More information

How does No Outsiders fit into the curriculum?

The No Outsiders lessons fit alongside many of the things we already teach in school. They align with our core values of respect, resilience, reflection and empathy. They will also form a part of our relationships lessons, which are part of our RSHE lessons and our Monday assemblies.

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