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Parent survey

Your views needed by Friday 26th February

Over 200 parents, representing 305 pupils, have completed our annual survey so far.  School leaders and the Governing Body welcomes the views of parents so that we can continue to improve.

"We systematically gather information from a wide range of sources during the school year, including looking at children's work in books, talking to pupils about their learning and life in school, observing lessons and analysing pupils' assessment information.  This information is used to judge the impact and quality of our work.  Evaluating and identifying our strengths and weaknesses enables us to celebrate our successes and tackle areas for improvement," explained Peter Dunmall, Head teacher.

Your feedback last year helped influence key improvements:

  • Added French language teaching to our curriculum for all children from Reception to Year 6
  • Increased focus on reading, writing and maths with timetables teaching of basic skills - spelling, mental maths, multiplication tables
  • Improved communication by reducing the use of Parentmail and holding regular 'Focus sessions' 
  • Increased the number and flexibility of extra-curricular clubs for all year groups.
  • Moved parent consultation meetings to coincide with assessment cycles so that they are timely and relevant. 

Our current annual survey for parents will close on Friday 26th February.  Please check your inbox for our invitation and link to complete the survey.

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