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Preparing for any adverse winter weather

In the event of any adverse winter weather, including snow, we will make every effort again this year to keep school open as usual.  I will take the decision to close school reluctantly and only if it is not safe for us to operate.  My decision will include the availability of staff as a result of travel disruption; the warmth of the school as a result of any heating or energy failure and availability of hot and cold water as a result of any burst pipes. 

We will publish any decision to close the school by 7am via Twitter including a direct link to the front page of the school website.  We will send a second message via Laser.

I usually ask staff to make a reasonable attempt to travel to school in the snow, including leaving earlier and making alternative travel arrangements if needed.  Staff will work flexibly, covering teachers who are unavoidably absent.  Priority will be given to all classes having at least one adult.  Specialist teaching and teacher’s release from class may be suspended.  A key factor is the availability of public transport and school closures for staff with their own children.  In the event of heavy snow during the school day, we may send individual teachers home early, covering their class until the end of school.  We will allow staff members to bring their own primary age children into school if needed.

During cold weather, we usually open some classrooms on the ground during morning and lunch break times so that pupils can have a rest from the cold if they wish.  We may take ‘cold breaks’ inside classrooms for all children if the temperature falls very low.

I will write again if snow is forecast to remind everyone of our arrangements.

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