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PTFA Looking ahead - help needed

As chair of the PTFA, I continue to be incredibly humbled by the generosity and commitment from parents. While it's continued to be a difficult time for many, whether due to financial pressures, health or time constraints, parents across the school have really pulled out all the stops to ensure we all have happy memories of being part of Fielding Primary School and the events we run. 


I am delighted to share that the PTFA managed to raise over £55,000, one of our best yet and an exceptional amount considering the interruptions to live events from COVID at the start of the academic year. We relocated the Christmas Fair completely outside for the first time, ran the Secret Gift Shop, Quiz Night, Virtual Balloon Race, Circus, Summer Fair, Summer Picnic and of course our first crowdfunding platform which saw money come in from channels outside of the school.


We're incredibly proud that the PTFA has been able to fulfil our dual purpose this year to both bring our parent/carer community together and raise funds for Fielding Primary School's extracurricular activities like the kitchen garden, library services, forest school, class trips, etc. - some of the many reasons why we all love to have our children at this brilliant school. A huge and sincere thank you to everyone involved whether as a class rep, committee member or class parent. We'd also like to thank any Y6 parents who are leaving us for the final time this week. Thank you for being amazing supporters and your involvement! You have helped to set a legacy.  

Looking ahead - help needed:  The PTFA is run by volunteers who support our school and feel incredibly rewarded from the amazing community their building, the new friends they've made and the smiles they've brought to our children's faces - and all without the drama or politics you might see on Motherland! Next year will see a change of guard when we'll need new people to step forward to ensure our PTFA continues to run. We're asking new and existing parents to step out of their comfort zone, try something new and support our school, and have some fun in the process. We've set up a mentoring programme to help parents who are new to volunteering and/or the PTFA to learn the ropes, so you will feel completely confident in what you're doing and it will be manageable for you. We have several roles that will need filling in September, including Chair, Treasurers, Events Team Coordinators and Communications, among others. Please email if you'd like to get involved or just to have a chat to get more information. We welcome support if even for 20-30 minutes per week and the more volunteers we have, the less time commitment for all involved. 


In the meantime, thank you again for your support of the PTFA and we hope you have a great summer!

Nolan O'Connor, Chair PTFA, Fielding Primary School

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