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PTFA Quiz Night Joining Instructions

The PTFA are looking forward to those parents/teams planning to attend the Fielding Quiz Night this Friday (24 February). For those that have tickets already, doors will open at 7pm and we'll aim to start by about 7.20pm.

The winning team member will each get an Apple Home Pod Mini (worth £99) so it's certainly worth getting those brains in gear!  Don't forget to bring along some loose change as we will be playing Heads or Tails (the cash pot goes to the winner).  We'll also be running a raffle where you can win one of the latest Apple iPads or a pair of EarPods. (We'll have a credit card machine available to take money for the raffle).

A Mexican Dinner will be served at around 8.30pm with plates, cutlery and napkins provided by the PTFA.  Please bring along any drinks, cups, desserts, snacks that you wish to consume during the night.  Can you also bring a bag to take home any empty bottles so they can be recycled at home.

A reminder that when leaving the school site at the end of the night to be as quiet as possible - the school is in a residential neighbourhood.

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