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Primary School and Nursery

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Pupils achieve high outcomes

Assessment information indicates that nearly all pupils are working at the expected standard for their age with up to half working beyond this. Teachers are now focusing on stretching the most able pupils.


Teacher assessment of pupils' writing and test results for reading and mathematics show that most pupils in most age groups are working at the expected standard for their age. In some age groups, some pupils with the highest starting points are not making enough progress in reading and mathematics, yet. This can be 

  • partially due to the time of the school year where pupils have not yet had enough time to deepen their understanding and knowledge; and/or,
  • teachers focusing on getting as many pupils as possible to the expected standard before stretching  them further.


This term, teachers are now thinking about adding more challenge into our lessons by teaching to the top and providing support or scaffolds to help pupils reach their high expectations.


Whilst test results are a useful indicator of a child's achievement, teachers' knowledge of each pupil and what they know and remember is equally important. 


Assistant Head teachers and Year Leaders are working with individual teachers to look at next steps for classes and individual pupils.

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