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Primary School and Nursery

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Reception - The Jolly Postman

‘Who are the famous characters inside my books?’

In Reception our new topic is ‘Who are the famous characters inside my books?’ and as part of this we have been exploring our new learning challenge book ‘The Jolly Postman’.  All our activities have been linked to this book. In English the children have enjoyed writing a sorry letter from Goldilocks to the three bears, as well as compiling a list of ingredients for a witches’ potion. In maths the children have been learning how to halve and double a given number sharing ingredients for the witches between two cauldrons, counting the number of magic beans and then doubling it, as well as exploring weight by weighing the bears’ porridge to establish which one is heavier and which one is lighter. The children have also enjoyed dressing up as their favourite character from ‘The Jolly Postman’. 

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