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Primary School and Nursery

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UEFA Euro 2020 final

School is open to all staff and pupils as usual on Monday morning:

  • Breakfast Club and early Nursery, from 7.30am
  • main school, soft-start 8.45-9am, as usual
  • registration at 9am and absence phone calls to parents from 9am, as usual

Whilst many pupils and parents will want to watch the England (or Italian) team in England men's first, major football final for 55 years, we can live our school, work and leisure time without compromise. Pupils watching the football final and then attending school as usual sets positive expectations for life. The precedent has to be school as usual for all future notable events, irrespective of men's or women's sport or any other national event. 


Parents know their own children best and can manage and plan for children's sleep needs. I would suggest that most children can cope with one late night followed by a couple of early to bed nights.


Teachers know their classes and pupils well. They have the flexibility to adjust their day and the demands of the day to match their class.


For a few pupils, late arrival at school might be better than not attending at all.


Alternatively, a national Bank Holiday might be granted ... ...!

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