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Well done! Values Baccalaureate drop-in and leaderboards

I am so proud of the children in Years 4, 5 and 6. They have got off to a flying start this school year working towards their Values Baccalaureate awards.


Completing each stage of the baccalaureate contributes to the overall constellation points total, children are awarded the coloured constellation tokens for each level they achieve;  5 for bronze, 10 for silver, 15 for gold, 25 for platinum.


Our expectations are:

by the end of Year 4 - Bronze

by the end of Year 5 - Silver

by the end of Year 6 - Gold, and some Platinum


Our leaderboards are updated by class and constellation so that our Star Leaders can keep a close eye on who has and has not achieved their awards and motivate and offer advice children in their own constellation to get started on working towards these awards. 


To achieve each of the levels, a portfolio of work should be put together to show how each of the tasks have been met and how this links in with our values (not electronic). This should be shared with the class teacher. Awards will then be awarded by myself or Mr Dunmall in the Monday assembly.


Find our more about the values baccalaureate or download our task cards click on the link below:

To look at our current 'hall of fame' click below

Don't forget our Year 6 Star Leaders and their deputies be offering a drop-in surgery during breaktimes every Thursday for children in years 4, 5 and 6 who are working towards their bronze, silver and gold. Children can chat to the star leaders about ideas on what they could do to achieve their awards. They can also bring in their 'portfolio' of work to show them and get some hints and tips on how to improve it if needed.

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