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Year 1 pupils returned to school

Two-thirds of Year 1 pupils returned to school today. Most Year 1 classes welcomed 10-12 pupils back to school. A few classes had lower numbers. Pupils told us that it was 'strange' coming back to a new class and teacher but most felt 'excited' and 'happy' to be back to school.


Thanks to all parents who followed social distancing measures at morning drop-off. A longer 'soft-start' time of half-an-hour and use of preferred entrance / exit gates helped keep everyone safely spread out. Teachers greeted pupils on arrival with half welcoming pupils to new rooms and a new teacher. Everyone found their new classroom, joining their 'Sirius' or 'Canopus' class group. 


Year 6 and Reception pupils continue to come to school. Around 4 out of 5 of these pupils are back in school, higher in Reception than Year 6. Children of key-workers and those who are vulnerable continued to come to their childcare groups, named after planets. 


Pupils stay in their class group 'bubble' with their teacher and teaching assistant (for some classes where pupils have additional needs). Class group 'bubbles' of up to 15 with staggered breaks, own play zones, lunchtimes and own resources help reduce the risk of any coronavirus infection spreading.


Pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 who are still at home can return to school at any time. Parents make a judgement about risk and decide whether to send their child to school. There maybe higher risks where families are from a black or minority ethnic group background and/or live with vulnerable family members in the household. There are no fines for pupils who are persistently absent from school. 


Pupils in school and at home follow a similar curriculum, based around the Oak National Academy, to minimise gaps between pupils. In school, there is an increased focus on personal hygiene, including regular hand-washing and 'catch-it, kill-it, bin-it' when sneezing or coughing.

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