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Year 3

In Year 3 this week we have begun our new topic on the Ancient Greeks. Our Fielding Challenge Curriculum question for our new topic is ‘Has Greece always been in the news?’ The children have started by discussing and showing all their current knowledge of Greece both in the past and now. Our learning in English has been linked into our new topic with our writing outcome with the children aiming to create and write their own Greek Myth. The Year 3 children have investigated some Greek Myths to identify the features that need to be included. They have then produced a plan and an AFL in order to show off what they are already able to produce. We have then reflected on our work so far, highlighting features of a Greek Myth that we have been successful with and those parts that we need to focus on and improve. Mrs Oliver commented, ‘It is always nice for the children to have the opportunity to reflect on their learning and identify their own next steps.’ 

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