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Year 6 Hybrid Archery Competition

On Friday 15th March, 12 children from Year 6 were selected to take part in a Hybrid Archery competition. 


Amidst the echoing twang of bows and the thud of arrows hitting targets, the children showcased their newfound archery skills with determination and precision. All the children demonstrated commendable focus and sportsmanship, making the competition a true testament to their dedication and enthusiasm.


While the results are pending as other schools across Ealing gear up to compete, the children are eager to see who will emerge victorious as the overall champion. All efforts will be recognised and celebrated as they receive their well-deserved sports patches in the upcoming Sports Assembly on Monday 25th March 2024.


A special thanks to...

Bradley (6P), Orla (6H), Ishaan (6F), Alvin (6S), Lynette (6P), Ariya (6F), Theo (6H), Tamsin (6H), Abdelrehman (6H), Chloe (6S), Harrison (6F), Rafaela (6P)




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