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And they’re off collecting- our new constellation and values token system has started!

New behaviour token collecting has started!

The start of the summer term has marked the start of our brand new behaviour token system where the children are rewarded for making good choices and staying on green each day by being given a blue Values star token. These tokens have been made for us from potato starch and are bio-degradable. Additional tokens can be handed to the children from adults across the school for displaying school values, especially our new core values of Respect, Resilience, Empathy and Reflection. All of the children seem very excited about this new system already as they can physically see how the stars for their class are being built up and as a result, are working together and supporting each other to try and achieve more tokens. These tokens are being recorded as stars on children’s individual collection charts which will go towards earning Values certificates and the constellation with the highest amount of stars will earn the constellation treat at the end of Summer term. We are all very excited to see how the children will respond to this new system.


Please see the Behaviour area of our website for more details about this new system and other changes we have made to our Behaviour policy.


For more details about the changes to our Values-based Education and the introduction of our new core values please see the Values area of our website.

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