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What have Year 1 been doing recently?

Year 1 have particularly enjoyed learning about 2D and 3D shape. They started by reminding themselves of properties of 2D shapes and went on to think about the language associated with 3D shapes. The children looked at images of difference city-scapes and picked out the shapes that they could see; we spotted all sorts of shapes in Tower Bridge, The Shard and City Hall. 
The children this week we have also continued our work with 'Dogger' by Shirley Huges, the book in which a small boy loses his favourite soft toy. The children have had the opportunity to let their creativity flow by changing the character name and re-writing their own version of the classic tale. To help the children compose their best writing, they have learnt about how to change verbs to the past tense and how to re-read their own writing to check that it makes sense. 
Linking our work about Three Little Pigs in science, 1F tried to build their own structures using spaghetti. It proved to be very difficult and really allowed the children to show the school's values of co-operation, perseverance and kindness. We have all enjoyed our learning this week and we are looking forward to our three-day weekend!

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