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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • Settling into Reception

    Wed 21 Sep 2016
    Approaching the end of our second full week in Reception the children have amazed us how quickly they have picked up the routines and settled into their new setting.  We have lots of smiles and laughter throughout the day with eager minds to learn new things.  We have created a safe and secure setting for your children so they feel confident to speak to each other and their classroom adults.  Our current topic is 'What can I tell you about myself?' and the children have been talking about who is in their family and sharing the favourite things they like to do. Our systems are all in place and your child will probably come home talking about whether their class received a pirate for fantastic lining up that day.  On a Friday the class with the most awarded pirates gets a special trip to the pirate ship on the school field.
  • Meet your child's new teacher

    Wed 21 Sep 2016

    Parent consultation meetings, 26th September & 3rd October.

    Book now on Laser.

  • Trading cards and toys

    Wed 21 Sep 2016 Mrs Tate

    Our expectations

    We’ve had an extremely positive start to the year with pupils showing exemplary attitudes to their learning and behaviour. To ensure this continues, we’d like to clarify our expectations around trading cards and toys. All cards (Pokemon, football etc) and all toys are not allowed in school and should be kept at home.

    Our reasons for this are:

    • Cards/toys get lost or damaged which causes upset
    • Cards/toys are swapped, children change their minds and this causes arguments
    • Cards/toys get played with during lesson time and this causes disruption

    Parents and carers are kindly asked to ensure that children do not come to school with any toys and/or cards.

    The overall care and welfare of our pupils is our main priority. Toys and cards cause arguments which leave pupils upset and distressed. Any child caught with cards or toys will have them removed by a member of staff who will keep hold of these items and return them to parents/carers at the end of the school day.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

  • Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Tue 20 Sep 2016 Miss Jones

    Tuck shop for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 on Friday 30th September, £1 needed

    Year 6 pupils are raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support. We are opening a Tuck Shop for children in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 on Friday 30th September 2016 throughout the morning.

    Children will be able to buy donated cakes/biscuits at their morning break time. Please support this worthwhile cause by giving your child £1 spending money to spend at the stall or alternatively you may wish to send in donations to school.

    If you would like to donate cakes / biscuits for the event, we would warmly welcome them. Donations can be brought to the school reception desk.

    Raising at least £300 can keep a Macmillan information and support centre stocked for a month with all the resources it needs to support people affected by cancer and £25 can pay for a Macmillan support nurse to work with a family affected by cancer for 1 hour.

    Last year we raised over £700 and it would be fantastic if we could raise a similar amount this year.

  • Nursery closed until week beginning 26th September

    Fri 16 Sep 2016

    Leaking roof forces closure as a result of roof works

    Unfortunately, start dates for Nursery have been delayed by one week because leaks have appeared during roof replacement works.  The children's start day will be the same as the original start day, e.g. due to start Monday 19th September then the new start date will be Monday 26th September, so on and so forth.

    This out of the schools control and we appreciate your understanding in this matter.

  • Parent consultation meetings

    Fri 16 Sep 2016

    Meet your child's teacher, 26th September, 3rd October.

    On Friday 16th. 11.30am  booking for this term's parent consultation meetings will go live on LaserAppointments will be available on each day before and after school. 

  • Year 2 English

    Thu 15 Sep 2016

    Pirate Character Description

    Over the past two weeks, Year 2 have been reading all about Captain Abdul’s Pirate School. This week we have been planning and writing a character description of Maisie Pickles, the central character in our story. We have focused on using amazing adjectives and awesome adverbs when writing our character descriptions. The children have produced some excellent writing so far, showing us that they are ready and motivated for an exciting year ahead. Miss Battison, 2F explained, “it’s great to see all the pupils so enthusiastic about their learning, especially when describing Maisie’s personality and they have been coming up with some really lovely ideas.” Simone from 2P, entertained us all with her hilarious character description, which included her best pirate joke. “What’s a pirate’s favourite letter of the alphabet?” “Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”. The children will continue to practice the skills and vocabulary whilst they edit their work over the coming days. 

  • Home Learning update

    Thu 15 Sep 2016 Ms L Stabler

    Home learning update for Years 1-6

    Last academic year was a big year for home learning with lots of reviewing and changes. After listening to lots of views throughout the year from the whole school community we feel confident that we have developed the policy so it has much more impact and it puts the emphasis back on the children being responsible for their learning.  Listed below are the routines that have stayed the same and those that may have been adjusted slightly. Further details can also be found in the Year group newsletters.

    Routines that have stayed the same:

    • Reading books and reading records will go in and out of school daily so any reading done at home can be recorded in the reading records. These need to be signed by parents/ carers. Teachers will check these once a week.
    • Focus spelling patterns with example words will go out weekly on a Thursday and some of these spellings will appear in our weekly dictations. Books need to be returned by Tuesdays.
    • Children will need to practice their times tables weekly to prepare for our times tables challenge. Practice grids can be found on Maths section of the school website.
    • At the start of every Fielding Learning Challenge Curriculum, Creative home learning tasks will be set and the children have until the end of that half term (specific dates will be on the task sheets) to choose which pieces they would like to complete and these will be celebrated in our Home Learning Showcases.

    Changes to routines

    • Years Five and Six now have home learning task books for Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) that they will complete a section of weekly.
    • There will not be set weekly tasks on Mathletics. In replacement for Years 1 to 4, there will be suggested activities or skills to try at home to deepen learning done in school. These will be posted under the week’s learning on Year group notice boards.

    Thank you for your continued support with this and we are looking forward to seeing what the children produce.

  • Year 6's First Week Back!

    Thu 15 Sep 2016 Miss N Jones

    Pupils were refreshed and raring to start their first full week back! After settling in to their new classrooms and teachers, children were introduced to our anticipated Learning Challenge driver this term: ‘What would a journey through your body look like?’ Pupils were up around the classroom thought-showering their knowledge of the human body before heading outside to the playground armed with chalk! Pupils drew around the body of their partners and labelled body parts and anything they knew to ignite the learning and interest of this exciting topic.

    Throughout the week during English lessons, pupils were getting their teeth dug into the beginnings of our focus book, Frankenstein. Writing a diary entry from the perspective of Captain Walton aboard the ship in the introduction of the novel. Pupils were excited which reflected in their work. Pupils are excited to continue!

  • Year 4 - Settling In

    Thu 15 Sep 2016 Mr. McConnachie

    The new school year is officially underway and the Year 4 children are settling in nicely to their new morning routines, whilst figuring out how to navigate the upper hallways and staircases.  They are slowly adjusting and starting to enjoy this new sense of independence and responsibility.

    Year 4 are beginning to explore how they ‘think about thinking’, by consolidating their understanding of brain function through their Brain Breaks, Mind UP lessons and the development of their visible learning attributes.  Through their Maths, English and Learning Challenge lessons, they will strive to take an ordered and organised approach, enabling them to work thoughtfully and systematically. Reflecting, analysing and evaluating their work will be the next step in the development of their higher-order thinking skills throughout the year.

    Year 4’s journey towards becoming more independent, resilient and resourceful has successfully begun. Pride and confidence in their abilities will begin to shine as this new school year takes hold.

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