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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • Childcare fees from September 2020

    Thu 09 Jul 2020 Karen Esprit

    The Governing Board has approved a small increase in the cost of childcare and specialist clubs from 3 September. This increase is due to additional staffing costs, including salary progression and higher employer national insurance and pension contribution costs from April. Details of the increase are in the tables below.

    Fielding Childcare and Specialist clubs remain competitively priced. The extensive range and flexibility of wrap around care is a key strength for Fielding; providing unique, excellent quality of opportunity and value for money.

    Breakfast Club







    Adhoc session



    After School Club








     Free of charge

    Adhoc session



    Holiday Club




     £39.00 per day

    Adhoc Session

     £45.00 per day


    Specialist Clubs



     1 Hour Slots



    Credits in Laser will be moved over to our new system, Bromcom's MyChildatSchool (MCAS). Please continue to make voucher payments in the same way. Another 'How to ..' video will be published soon.

    There are two ways to pay for childcare, in full or 50% now and the remainder by Friday 23rd October.

    Specialist clubs must be paid for in full at the point of booking unless using childcare vouchers. Non-payment of specialist clubs or childcare may result in your child's name being taken off the register, but you will still be required to settle the fee.

    Childcare bookings roll over from term to term unless cancelled, please log into MCAS to ensure your child’s cashbook is in order. If you notice duplicate bookings or are experiencing difficulties paying, contact the Childcare Manager as soon as possible to discuss options.

    Remember, childcare and specialist clubs often work in partnership, if you have booked a specialist club please make sure you have also booked the after school club to complement your booking if needed.

  • PTFA sunflower competition

    Wed 08 Jul 2020

    The PTFA had planned to judge the height of sunflowers over this weekend (11/12 July). However, as we are still adhering to social distancing and minimal contact, we have changed the judging procedure. If you have sunflowers that have made it through the sun, wind, rain, slugs etc, then could you please submit your entries with a photo showing the height of the sunflower. We will shortlist the top three sunflowers for each year group based on height and then ideally verify these next week (w/c 13 July).

    Can you send in your entries to with the following:

    1. Please send one email entry per child

    2. Subject Line should read: Child's Name, Class Name, Height in cm
    3. Attach a picture (with or without child included).
    4. Agree whether the picture could be included on a Sunflower Photo Wall
    5. Include a phone number for us to contact you if you are in the top three.

  • Parenting Support and Guidance

    Wed 08 Jul 2020 Narinder Reehal
    Following on from a previous article about websites offering support and guidance to Parents/Carers, here are some more you may find useful. - offering resources and tips on emotional health and parenting, covering topics such as empathy and giving praise effectively. The website also has a list of books recommended for children. - offering information and advice on topics ranging from challenging behaviour, divorce, social media, body image and exam stress. There is also a parents A-Z guide for support, as well as a free helpline offering confidential advice to parents. ​ - offering advice and free resources on anxiety and stress. - information leaflets on topics such as bereavement, sibling rivalry, crying and sleeping. 
  • Summer holiday childcare bookings will open on Friday 10th July

    Tue 07 Jul 2020 Clare Haines

    Summer holiday childcare will open to book on MCAS for all parents at 10am on Friday 10th July.


    In line with the  Government guidance below children will be grouped in ‘bubbles’ of 15.


    We are recommending that providers keep children in small, consistent groups of no more than 15 children and one or two staff members. This means that when your child attends the first session they will be placed in a particular group or class of children and they should remain in that group for future sessions.’ DfE June 2020


    Key workers have had priority booking, any available spaces will be opened up to all parents. You will be able to see the availability in each bubble. Please only book spaces in one bubble and where possible keep siblings together. If you book across bubbles we will amend your booking, this may mean some of your sessions are cancelled.

    In preparation for booking please watch this short guidance video on how to book on MCAS (this is an updated version of the video).


    Please book using the desktop version of MCAS rather than the APP

    Booking and payment should be completed by 16th July.  We have put a variable pricing structure in place, booking a whole week, works out slightly better value. We would prefer parents to book whole weeks of care wherever possible, however we know that this might not fit with working patterns and will try to meet the demands of all.


    Dates: Wednesday 22nd July - Friday 21st August (4 weeks and 3 days)

    Times: Monday- Thursday, 8am -6pm and Friday 8am -1pm



    • Whole week: £280
    • Daily rate: £65
    • Friday: £45

    Reception to Year 6:

    • Whole week; £190
    • Daily rate: £45
    • Fridays: £30


    • We have a record of your Laser childcare cashbook balance. If  you have a positive Laser cashbook balance that covers the total fees for summer childcare you do not need to make a payment as we will transfer the payment across, these may take us a few days.
    • If you wish to pay with childcare vouchers please do this in the usual way via your voucher company, these will be added to you MCAS account. There may be a slight delay adding vouchers but be assured if vouchers are received before 17th July the child’s place will be secure.
    • If neither of the above applies to you please pay using any major credit card. Payment will show on your credit card statement as 'Bromcom'.which is the parent company of MCAS.


    Once sessions are booked and confirmed these cannot be changed or refunded.

  • July values

    Fri 03 Jul 2020 Miss L Stabler

    Each month at Fielding, we learn about a core value in depth, thinking about what the value looks like and what actions both show and don’t show that value. The last core value for this school year is Empathy, whilst Key Stage 2 children will also focus on kindness. These are such important values at this time when we need to be aware that different people are experiencing lots of emotions. Children in school will be taught explicitly what these values mean and how we can show them personally, socially, locally and nationally.

    To support the children’s Values education, we are continuing our monthly home values challenge for those pupils at home. On the Empathy webpage, there is a set of 8 tasks linked to empathy and kindness. The children’s challenge is to try and complete 5 of these over the month. The Empathy page also has the teaching resources we would use with Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2 children. It also has a link to the Values assemblies on Empathy by Mrs Haines and Mr Dunmall.


    There is further information on our Value-based Education on our Values page.  This page also has the task cards for our Values Baccalaureate if children in years 4-6 would like to keep working on these. 


  • End of term arrangements for learning at home

    Fri 03 Jul 2020 Miss Stabler

    As we only have two weeks left of the summer term, we have considered the organisation of learning from home.

    Organisation will include:

    • Learning updates on year group notice boards, weekly videos, application tasks and home learning packs will continue on Monday 6th and Monday 13th July.
    • Monday 13th will be a normal submission day - this will include foundation tasks for most year groups.
    • Learning packs, videos and English and Maths application tasks posted as normal on 13th but these do not have to be completed before start of holidays. We will upload the answers to the Maths application tasks to self-mark.
    • Teachers will respond to work sent in and emails as normal on week beginning 13th July but will only respond to emails sent before midday on Weds 15th. This gives teachers time to respond to emails before end of term.
    • There will no set work over the holidays. The applications tasks and home learning packs will still be on our website. Children can also still access BBC bitesize lessons and the Oak National Academy lessons that were created for Summer term.

    These arrangements are different for F classes who will be taking part in a trial using video chat in Microsoft teams to receive face to face feedback. Please see news article that includes information about this. 

  • School re-opens to all pupils in September

    Thu 02 Jul 2020 Peter Dunmall

    The government has announced today that all pupils, in all age groups, will return to school full-time from the beginning of the new school year:


    We are looking forward to welcoming all pupils back to school. Our working plans match the government's guidance for school leaders. This means we are already well prepared for re-opening:

    • Nursery, re-opens from Thursday 3rd September, with our full offer to parents, up to 52 ½ hours a week;
    • Reception, Year 1 - 6 start the new school year from Thursday 3rd September;
    • Canopus and Sirius class group 'bubbles' join and return to their usual whole class;
    • wrap-around childcare for working parents, Breakfast Club and After-school club, re-opens from Thursday 3rd September;
    • specialist clubs, start from Thursday 3rd September;
    • lunchtime meals return to a full, hot-cooked meal;
    • pupil hours return to full-time with no closure at Friday lunchtime, from and including Friday 4th September;
    • better home-learning offer if we are forced to close or partially close.


    Protective measures

    While coronavirus (COVID-19) remains in our community, we re-open with a range of recommended protective measures including:

    • ensuring that anyone who has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or has someone in their household with symptoms, does not come to school;
    • regular hand-washing when pupils arrive at school, return from breaks, before and after eating and before going home;
    • good personal hygiene, promoting a 'catch it, bin it, kill it' approach;
    • cleaning more often, especially surfaces and classroom resources that are touched most often;
    • minimising contact and maintaining distance as much as possible, including through whole class or year group 'bubbles'.

    These protective measures mean that some things will look and feel different and a few things that we are used to in school cannot happen for a while. We will publish more information about our arrangements next week.



    Every pupil is expected to return to school, including those who have been shielding or shielding a member of their household. Some pupils who remain under the care of a specialist health professional may need to talk about their care before returning to school. From September, absence will no longer be authorised unless agreed with a health professional.


    Uniform, behaviour, school meals & trips

    All return to our usual expectations. Education day trips off-site re-start with additional protective measures. Residential, over-night, visits continue to be postponed at least for the Autumn Term.


    What happens if there is a coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in school?

    If we have 2 or more confirmed cases with 14 days, or there is an increase in absence due to suspected or confirmed cases, we will work with our local health protection team. Closure is unlikely.

    Mobile testing of a class, year group or whole school may then follow.

    If a class, year group or whole school is forced to close, learning will continue for that group at home.


    Learning at home, if needed

    We have listened to parents and staff. We have learned lessons from this closure period. We are at an early stage, like most other primary schools in Ealing, of developing our use of a digital education platform to improve our home learning offer. We have chosen to use Microsoft Teams.

    If pupils are learning from home during the next school year, we will take a blended approach, selecting lessons from Oak National Academy, setting and receiving work using Teams, and giving feedback to groups of pupils regularly by video in Teams. 

    Some classes in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be invited to trial using video chat in Teams with their teacher at home before the end of this school year. We will contact parents of pupils who usually learn at home in 2F, 3F, 4F and 5F about the trial shortly.

  • School meals for children moving up to year 3

    Thu 02 Jul 2020 Office

    Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 currently receive Universal Free School Meals.

    From Year 3 onwards, parents will need to register with Harrison Catering here and ensure that their child has credit on their account if they wish to have a school lunch. 


    To check if you may be eligible for Free School Meals click here.


    You can apply through Ealing Council here, or alternatively you may bring evidence of your income, Date of Birth, NI number and any benefit entitlement to the school office and we can process this for you.

Contact Details and Useful Links
