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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • PTFA Christmas Cards

    Fri 18 Nov 2016

    A reminder, the deadline for Christmas cards is Monday 21st November. Please bring your child's Christmas card, payment and completed form to the school office. No cards will be accepted after this date.

  • How do we accelerate your child’s progress? Focus on Fielding parent event

    Thu 17 Nov 2016 L Stabler

    Focus on Fielding parent event :

    Wednesday 23rd November: 9am-10am; 6.30-7.30pm 

    At our next focus on Fielding parent event we will be discussing how we have been improving children’s progress through our Visible Learning approach.  We will be sharing some of the techniques we are regularly using to assist the children in being more aware of their learning and to reflect on where they are going.

    Looking forward to seeing you there

  • Year 4 - Fall Fun!

    Thu 17 Nov 2016 Mr. McConnachie

    As the temperature drops and the leaves begin to fall, Year 4 have been enjoying everything that comes with shorter days and colder lunch breaks, including having to put on an extra 3 layers of clothing and fancy ear muffs!  Autumn has already brought with it huge shifts in weather patterns and we are halfway through our data collection and logging of the daily temperature records of London and New York to go with our Computing unit of ‘We are Meteorologists’.  Excel and PowerPoint software applications are both being used plot, graph, predict and present the weather for these two fabulous cites to their fellow classmates.  Our class trips were also a lot of fun this week as the weather co-operated and playing in the leaves was had by most, even Mrs Stabler!  Mapping skills were explored by trying to keep size, scale and symbols as accurate as possible on their physical features map of Walpole Park whilst trying not to think about the massive climbing frame calling their names.

    Continuing with the goal of warming up the classroom and school environments through warm and positive communication to one another, anti-bullying week has been a huge success this week with deep discussions and re-enactments of various scenarios exploring what constitutes bullying behaviour.  Among the hotter topics this year around was the possibilities and avenues by which cyber-bullying can take place.  Although most of the children in year 4 do not have their own hand held devices or email/social media accounts, a lot of discussion took place around online gaming and the possible dangers on that platform.  Headphones and chat while playing have opened a whole new dimension that must not be ignored.

    Finally, the extravaganza that is the Fielding Xmas fair is fast approaching and year 4 are looking for volunteers for a couple of the stalls. The sign-up sheet is posted just out-side of the Year 4 door. Word is that Santa has already begun warming up his sleigh (and vocal cords) in anticipation of this the big day, before the big day, and is now accepting applications from staff for his Elf entourage!!

  • Individual School Photographs

    Wed 16 Nov 2016 School Office

    Proof photographs were delivered to your child's classroom  on Wednesday. Where possible, we ask that you order online at or by telephone using Bentley's dedicated parents number on 0844 2570057. Alternatively, you can return the proof with payment to the postbox in the school reception area.

    The deadline is strictly 29th November 2016. No orders will be accepted after this date.

  • Curriculum maps completed

    Wed 16 Nov 2016 P. O'Dwyer

    Teachers at Fielding have been working incredibly hard to plan the year ahead and think about all the different Learning Challenges for pupils. There is now a curriculum yearly overview available in the Curriculum section of our website. You will be able to see which drivers children will be covering each half term right up until the end of the year. Key skills for the primary learning challenge driver and the Science driver can be found on the termly curriculum map in each year group's curriculum page. 

  • Year 6 French Club trip to French cinema

    Wed 16 Nov 2016 S.Mahvelati

    The South Ken Kids Festival

    This week, Year 6 pupils who participate in the lunchtime French club had the opportunity to watch a free screening of Avril et le Monde Truqué  at the French Institute in South Kensington as part of the South Ken Kids Festival

    The Ciné Kids is also open to children and their families on weekends and during school holidays. Screenings are available in French and English. Find out more on:



  • Eamonn Reilly, author, visits all children

    Tue 15 Nov 2016 P.Whaley

    Improving reading

    Fostering and developing children’s love for reading alongside their comprehension skills is a whole-school priority at Fielding this year. The following changes are being put into place to promote reading across the school:

    • £20,000 spend on new books for the KS1 and KS2 libraries and classrooms
    • Inspirational visits from different children’s authors every half-term
    • Whole school sponsored ‘Readathon’ throughout the month of December
    • Scholastic book fair visit to school – week beginning 30th January
    • Staff training to teach reading even more effectively with school Literacy expert, Kathy Roe.

    On Wednesday, we were fortunate to welcome visiting children’s author, Eamonn Reilly.  Eamonn led phase assemblies throughout the afternoon for children in Reception up to Year 6. The children had the chance to ask him questions which they had been eagerly preparing beforehand about his books and what inspires him.


    If you would like to purchase any of his books for your children, please complete his order form and return it with exact cash to the office. The books will be available for two weeks only and can then be purchased from his website:


    Parent reading volunteers continue to be welcomed in school and have a big impact on helping children to read: Thank you for all your support.

  • Year 6 French Trip

    Tue 15 Nov 2016

    The 3rd payment for next years trip to France is now on Laser and can be paid up to the end of December.

  • Year 6 Vikings

    Tue 15 Nov 2016 Miss N. Jones

    Pupils were refreshed after the half term break, ready to get back into learning and our new Learning Challenge driver: ‘Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?’ We have waved goodbye to Victor Frankenstein and the monster and introduced time travelling into our English lessons. The focus for the beginning of this half term is short narratives. These explore the life of a child that finds a Viking ornament and finds themselves blasted back to 1000. We have looked at features of openers and how to use description effectively to create a short story using all the techniques learnt so far this year.

    Year 6 have been working exceptionally hard to use and apply their mathematical knowledge and reasoning skills across a range of contexts. Last week, these skills were put to the test when the pupils were given the challenge of designing a Viking Village. The pupils were given a list of specifications and had to work through them systematically with a partner. They then had to apply their knowledge of area, perimeter, fractions, ratio, proportion and multiplication to successfully design the Viking Village. 

    Year 6 teacher, Miss Drage, explained, “This was a highly engaging mathematical project that ran over two days. The pupils were able to demonstrate the depth of their learning so far this year as well as their ability to persevere and work co-operatively.”

  • Anti-bullying week

    Mon 14 Nov 2016 P. O'Dwyer

    PCSO Visit

    Anti-bullying week began this week with a visit from our School Support Police Officer. Constable McGuigan presented an assembly to Year 5 and 6 children on keeping themselves - and their belongings - safe, solved a crime with Year 4 pupils and visited each class to investigate police equipment and ask questions. Nursery pupils through to year 6 were given the opportunity to discuss keeping safe at school and in the community. One of our Nursery pupils even knew to call 999 in an emergency! 


    Throughout the course of this week, pupils will be given more opportunity to discuss anti-bullying strategies and keeping themselves, and others, safe. They will attend an anti-bullying assembly and complete activities in class. 


    We will continue to provide opportunities this year for pupils to meet people from our community who work to help keep them safe and happy: Constable McGuigan will return to school later in the year and the NSPCC will be visiting in January to talk to children about Childline. 

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