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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • Protect children from harm - Listen up, Speak up free 10 min training from the NSPCC

    Tue 17 Jan 2023 Clare Haines

    Half a million children suffer abuse and neglect a year in the UK. But there's something we can all do to change that.

    The NSPCC are encouraging every adult in the UK to take our 10-minute digital training.

    Listen up and learn a little with their Connect the DOTS training. They will show you where to go if you need support, and how to speak up for children who need it. Because that little bit of knowledge can help keep a lot of children safe.

    Sign up and take the training

    Find out more here (45 second video)

  • Evening running and football clubs start

    Mon 16 Jan 2023 Peter Dunmall

    Ealing Eagles Juniors running club and Northfields United Football Club use our artificial grass pitch evenings and/or weekends.


    Our new floodlit, artificial grass pitch is used by our pupils for lessons and specialist clubs during the day. We are delighted that community groups can also use our facilities evenings and weekends.


    Our pupils are encouraged to take any interest in running and/or football, joining other local children.


    Northfields United FC will be delivering skill and technical based mid-week football sessions. Currently, sessions are for members of Northfields United FC but places are also open to families at Fielding who may be interested in getting involved for the Spring Term:

    • Tuesdays, 6-7.30pm - U7 and U8 (6-8 year olds) 
    • Wednesdays, 6-7.30pm - U11 and U12 (10-12 year olds)
    • Thursdays, 6-7.30pm - U9 and U10 (8-10 year olds) - fully booked
    • Thursdays, 7.30-9pm U13s (12-13 year olds)


    Please see the link below with booking options


    Ealing Eagles Junior running club takes place on Monday evenings.


    Find out more about Ealing Eagles and NUFC:


    Two parent-led groups start using the artificial pitch in April.

  • 4-1 Victory for Year 5 & 6 Girls Performance team in Ealing cup

    Fri 13 Jan 2023 Natasha Pasha

    Today, the girls' performance team were not sure what to expect as they had never played St Josephs before. The game got off to a quick start with a miscommunication in the defence St Josephs managed to score an early first goal. The girls remained calm and held their heads high. As time went on passes improved and Flo G (5S) managed to score an equaliser. This brought confidence back into the side that they could do this. As momentum had been built now Emma (6F) managed to score a powerful shot right into the back of the net which was assisted by Flo G(5S).  At half time the score was no 2-1 to Fielding. 


    In the second half, changes were made and Lyla (6H), Adelaide (5S), and Evie (6S) came on and pressed forward in the attack which meant we were holding a lot more possession of the game. Thanks to Lyla (6H) who crossed the ball to the edge of the box Evie (6S) we managed to score our third goal of the game. 

     Flo G (5S) came back on and scored 1 more goal by blasting the ball into the back of the net.  Great teamwork girls! It is clear the girls have a great partnership among them.  Well done to Lana (6F) who made some great saves. 

    The girls' team are currently undefeated and have won all their games in the league so far.

    Fielding won 4-1!!!

    Special Thanks to all the players in our performance team ...

    Lyla (6H), Flo G (5S), Flo H (6H), Emma (6F), Evie (6S), Ruth (6P), Martha (6H), Lana (6F), Anya (6F), Annabelle (6H)

    Thank you also to Mrs Francis for refereeing the game and to coach Andy for his continued support!

  • Year 5 & 6 Boys PEAL Shield Football

    Fri 13 Jan 2023 Natasha Pasha

    Today our boys' performance team played our local rival St Joseph’s Primary, they were off to a fiery start by scoring an early first goal of the match followed by a second goal. The pressure was on.

    Fielding knew they had to press as a team Ishaq (6F) assisted Theo (6S) score a great goal. At half time the score was 2-1 to St Joseph's. After half time struggled to score any further goals which unfortunately meant we lost 3-1!

    Going forward in our future games we need to change our team formations to avoid conceding any further goals. There were some amazing saves by Jordi (6S) in goal. The scoreline could have been a lot worst had Jordi (6S) not saved several shots.

    Sev (5S), Ishaaq (6F), Will (6H) and Gioele (6F) made some excellent defensive tackles. Tem (5F), Reuben (6S), Noah(6F), and Aiden (6F) played some great one-two passes down the line it was just unfortunate they didn’t make it into the back of the net.


    Special Thanks to all the players in our performance team …

    Reuben (6S), Aiden (6F), William (6H), Theo (6S), Gioele (6F), Noah (6F), Tem (5F), Ishaaq (6F), Jordi (6S), Sev (5S) Ahmed (5F)

    Thank you also to Coach Andy for his continued support to the team!

  • Check your child's hair regularly for head lice

    Fri 13 Jan 2023

    To prevent the spread of head lice the NHS has produced these guidelines. Please could you regularly check your child's hair and ensure long hair is tied back.

    Head lice and nits
    Head lice and nits are very common in young children and their families. They don't have anything to do with dirty hair and are picked up by head-to-head contact.

    How to get rid of head lice
    You can treat head lice without seeing a GP.
    Treat head lice as soon as you spot them.
    You should check everyone in the house and start treating anyone who has head lice on the same day.
    There's no need to keep your child off school if they have head lice.

    Wet combing
    Lice and nits can be removed by wet combing. You should try this method first.

    You can buy a special fine-toothed comb (detection comb) online or from pharmacies to remove head lice and nits.

    There may be instructions on the pack, but usually you:

    wash hair with ordinary shampoo
    apply lots of conditioner (any conditioner will do)
    comb the whole head of hair, from the roots to the ends
    It usually takes about 10 minutes to comb short hair, and 20 to 30 minutes for long, frizzy or curly hair.

    Do wet combing on days 1, 5, 9 and 13 to catch any newly hatched head lice. Check again that everyone's hair is free of lice on day 17.

    For more information about wet combing, see the website.

    Medicated lotions and sprays
    Ask your pharmacist for advice if you have tried wet combing for 17 days, but your child still has live head lice.

    They may recommend using medicated lotions and sprays. These kill head lice in all types of hair, and you can buy them from pharmacies, supermarkets or online.

    Head lice should die within a day. Some lotions and sprays come with a comb to remove dead lice and eggs.

    Some treatments need to be repeated after a week to kill any newly hatched lice.

    Check the pack to see if they're OK for you or your child and how to use them.

    If lotions or sprays don't work, speak to your pharmacist about other treatments.

    Some treatments aren't recommended because they're unlikely to work. For example:

    • products containing permethrin
    • head lice "repellents"
    • electric combs for head lice
    • tree and plant oil treatments, such as tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil and lavender oil herbal remedies

    You can't prevent head lice
    There's nothing you can do to prevent head lice.

    You can help stop them spreading by wet or dry combing regularly to catch them early.

    Do not use medicated lotions and sprays to prevent head lice. They can irritate the scalp.

    There's no need for children to stay off school or to wash laundry on a hot wash.

  • First Reading Celebrations of 2023!

    Fri 13 Jan 2023 Philippa Whaley

    'If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book,' according to J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series. Teachers at Fielding have been carrying out reading assessments this week to find out children's strengths and next steps and ensure that they are reading books from the correct colour band. These will be communicated to parents during the upcoming parent meetings and adults in the school will support children to find a book that they will hopefully enjoy.


    Reading daily improves vocabulary and language skills.

    Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking. 


    All pupils who attend Fielding are expected to read for 20 minutes at home every day. This may be to a parent, other adult or independently, if able. Teachers will be checking pupils' reading records every day and signing them weekly to ensure that this is happening and will be following up with pupils and parents when it is not. 


    As well as signing their reading record every day and writing the name of the book and pages they've read, pupils and parents are encouraged to record new words they come across and discuss the meanings of these together. 


    It has been a pleasure to visit classes already this year and see so many pupils reading books for pleasure from the recommended reading lists and completing reading response activities in their pink book to achieve bronze, silver, gold and even platinum certificates! The options for these activities can be found in your child's reading record or on their year group noticeboard on the website. We look forward to celebrating further reading achievements next week!

  • Anti-bullying Ambassadors 2023

    Fri 13 Jan 2023 Philippa Whaley

    "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." This was one of many poignant quotes from the late Princess Diana (1961-1997) which our six newly-appointed Anti-bullying Ambassadors took away from their day’s Diana Award training at Brentside Academy in November. The theme of the day was, ‘Mutual Respect.’ The Diana Award’s Anti-Bullying work is supported by HRH The Prince of Wales and engages young people, parents and adults to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations.  The Diana Award is a youth charity founded in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, and her belief that young people have the power to change the world.


    Phil Kennedy, Leader of Play, and the six Diana Award trained pupils from Years 5 and 6- Imogen, Arthur, Andrew, Gabi, Ava and Zara trained up a further 18 newly-appointed Anti-bullying Ambassadors from Years 4, 5 and 6 in the run-up to Christmas.  They have all been gaining confidence in their new roles, using tools to identify bullying behaviours and learn how to support pupils who are involved in bullying situations. They now know that the word, ‘bully’ should not be used as bullying behaviour is a choice and can be challenged and changed. Instead, they now use the terms, ‘perpetrators,’ ‘targets,’ and ‘bystanders.’ Their mission now is to turn as many bystanders as possible into, ‘upstanders,’ who, like them, can make a positive change. 


    Their roles will involve being on Anti-bullying Ambassador duty in the playground twice each week and collaborating on their first pupil-led school campaign, which will work towards achieving further Diana Award badges- Respect, Wellbeing, Community Action and Online Safety. 


    Please click here to view their introductory video which explains who they are, their role and how they can be located in the playgrounds. We are extremely appreciative of the important work that these pupils are doing for our school and the positive impact that they will no doubt have in our school.

  • KS2 Kurling event

    Thu 12 Jan 2023 Kane Francis

    12 children were selected to represent Fielding in the New Age Kurling competition at Villiers High School.


    New Age Kurling is an event that involves each team that has a set of stones which are wheeled towards a round target mat. The event was a new sport for most of the children, so they did not know what to expect. They showed amazing resilience and respect throughout the event. Despite not placing in the top 2 to progress to the finals, it was clear that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They learnt new skills and participated in a new sport which is an excellent achievement.


    A special thanks to the following children who took part and represented Fielding: Grace (3F), Elisa (3P), AJ (3H), Neve (4F), Jacob (4F), Isaiah (4S), Clara (5F), Joud (6S), William (6S), Mya (6S), Josh (6H), Adbul-Raheem (6F).    

  • PTFA Meeting Minutes Published

    Thu 12 Jan 2023 PTFA

     Thank you to those parents and class reps that attended one of the two PTFA meetings on Monday 9 January. The minutes from these meetings are now available in the PTFA's Google Drive:

  • PTFA Quiz Night is back (Friday 24 Feb)

    Thu 12 Jan 2023 PTFA

    The PTFA's Quiz Night is back by popular demand and will take place on Friday 24 February - so make sure you get the babysitter booked up early as they will be in demand!

    Tickets will cost £15 per person or £90 for a team of 6 (plus 50p booking fee per ticket). Your ticket will include a very scrumptious meal cooked  (meat and veg options available). We ask that you bring your own drinks/alcohol (including recyclable cups) , snacks and any pudding for your teams as usual.

    Tickets for the Quiz Night will go on sale at 8pm on Tuesday 17 January. The ticket link is

    We are very much aware that tickets are in huge demand for this event. However we have noticed that often several members of a team will be booking the same table at once - which means tickets are taken off sale while the ticket system plays catch up - so don't despair. Tickets often come back on sale 30-40mins later.

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