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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • Years 3 -6, Is your child ready for this half-term’s TTRS battle?

    Tue 18 Oct 2022 Years 3 -6, Is your child ready for the TTRS half-term battle?

    Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) continues to be the greatest phenomenon of learning times tables at Fielding as it is fun and challenging for all of our pupils. Through its carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice, it ensures no child is left behind in practice and for those that are confident, over-practice is ensured to increase higher levels of automaticity.


    To continue to encourage this high level of practice, we are transforming our half-termly 'Battle of the Bands' from all of KS2 to phase battles!


    Since the start of term, pupils in years 3 -6  have been playing Times Tables Rock Stars  more frequently than ever before at home! Pupils are excited, enthusiastic, motivated and highly competitive to battle one another, play different modes and earn 'coins' to tweak their personalised rock star avatars. This in addition to the rigorous teaching of times tables in-class has already shown a progression in pupils' recall and fluency of multiplication/division facts.


    Why is this important?

    It is essential that pupils are fluent, confident and learn instant recall of times tables as without this, many future maths topics will elude pupils. Times tables are fundamental to many maths topics as mental maths facts and operations need to be able to be carried out quickly and with a degree of automaticity in order to free up pupils' working memory for newer, more challenging tasks at hand. 


    What is a Battle of the Bands? 

    A Battle of the Bands is a fun way to get groups of pupils competing against each other and a great way to sustain pupils' enthusiasm in practicing times tables on TTRS. This battle will be between all classes in Years 3, 4 and all classes in Years 5 and 6. 


    When will it begin/end?

    The Fielding Battle of the Bands will being on Friday 21st October from 4pm and will end on Sunday 30th October at 8pm. 


    How to play:

    Pupils can login via their personalised username and passwords. If they are unsure of this, they can check with their class teacher. 

    Click here to access the site.

    How to earn points: 

    Every correct answer in any game type is worth 1 point towards the class team. Pupils can play in Garage, Rock Slam, Soundcheck, etc and earn 1 point per correct answer. 


    Pupils should not confuse Battle points with coins! Coins are separate. They will still earn 10 coins per correct answer in the Garage, 5 per correct Soundcheck and 1 coin per correct answer everywhere else. 


    The winning class will be announced on Tuesday 1st November and will win: 

    • The TTRS Wrangle Trophy to keep until the end of term
    • An inflatable guitar to keep until the of term 
    • TTRS Certificate

    From the winning class, the pupil who scores the most points for their class team will win: 

    • TTRS Keyring
    • TTRS Pencil 
    • TTRS Certificate 


    TTRS promotes the "little and often" technique which is why pupils only need to play between 3-10 minutes a day as part of their daily practice and whilst doing this over the half-term they will be earning those points for their class band! To promote this further, a daily minutes restriction has been set to '10 minutes' to stop children from excessive screen-time during the half-term.


    We look forward to see how this Battle of the Bands 'rocks' out and as the Maths Lead, I look forward to announcing the first winners for this academic year on Tuesday 1st November! 


  • Sibling Photographs - Nursery to Year 6, Monday 7th November

    Tue 18 Oct 2022 School Office

    Sibling photographs take place on Monday 7th November. 


    If your child does not attend Nursery on this day or attends only in the afternoon then please bring them to the school office at 10.00 to join their siblings for a photograph.   For all other children with siblings this will be organised by your child's class. We are lucky to have organised Year 6 children who will ferry the children to and from their classes.


    Children in 5H with siblings, please ensure your child comes to school in their full school uniform and brings a change of clothes for gardening and cooking which takes place on this day.  These photographs are for Fielding children only.  

  • Individual Photographs Monday 31st October.

    Mon 17 Oct 2022 School Office

    Individual school photographs will be taking place on Monday 31st October for pupils in Reception to Year 6.  Please make sure your child/children are in full school uniform on this day. Sibling photographs will be on Monday 7th November for children who attend Fielding School or Nursery only.

  • Year 5 & 6 Girls Won 6-3 in their first league match in the Ealing Girls Cup!

    Mon 17 Oct 2022 Natasha Pasha

    Today nerves were high as it was our first girls' league match. As soon as the match began there was a slight miscommunication between our goalkeeper and defence. Unfortunately, Oaklands managed to intercept the ball and score the first goal of the game. This didn’t faze us as a school we held our heads high and focused on our own game. Martha (6H) assisted Flo G (5S) score on the counterattack. It was now 1-1. She was now on a roll and applied pressure in attack again and scored a second goal. She was on a hat trick but unfortunately didn’t quite make it. The pressure was on to try and take the lead. Then suddenly Emma assisted Evie (6S) to score a great goal.  With a slight lead, we had to make sure we weren’t complacent at the back but luckily our defence was solid thanks to Anya (6F), Martha (6H) and Emma (6F).  Flo H (6H) Adelaide (5S) and Ruth (6P) all worked well in the attack to help support their team score. Then from a corner from Flo G (5S), Lyla (6H) made a cheeky flick at the back of the net resulting in another goal. Emma (6F) managed to score a real blinder from a free kick hitting the crossbar and into the back of the net. There was no chance for their keeper. Unfortunately, in the second half, the girls became tired and Oaklands managed to score 2 further goals. Well done to Lana (6F) in goal who made some great saves to secure our victory.

    Fielding won 6-3!!!

    Special Thanks to Coach Andy who supported the girls in training to help secure our win.


    Thank you to the girls who played...

    Lyla (6H), Flo G (5S), Flo H (6H), Emma (6F), Evie (6S), Ruth (6P), Martha (6H), Lana (6F), Anya (6F), Adelaide (5S)

  • Year 5 & 6 Boys won 5-0 in the PEAL Shield League Match vs Oaklands !

    Mon 17 Oct 2022 Natasha Pasha

    Today was our season's first league match, and the boys had a confident start with Ishaaq (6F) assisting Noah (6F) scoring an early goal in the first half.  Then followed by Theo (6S) who blasted a low shot straight past their keeper.  Tem (5F) then came on in the second half and within minutes Theo (6S) assisted him scoring a great goal. At this point, our defence remained solid with William (6H), Sev (5S) and Gioele (6F) who did not allow Oaklands strikers anywhere near our goal. Then Sev (5S) assisted Tem (5F) score his second goal in the match.  Aiden (6F) and Reuben did some great one-two passes to support the strikers whilst Ishaaq (6F) made some strong tackles. Noah (6F) scored the final game of the match. A massive thanks to Jordi (6S) who made some excellent saves and managed to maintain a clean sheet.       

    Fielding won 5-0!!!

    Special Thanks to Coach Andy who supported the boys in training to help secure our win.


    Thank you to the boys who played...

    Reuben (6S), Aiden (6F), William (6H),  Theo (6S), Gioele (6F), Noah (6F), Tem (5F), Ishaaq (6F), Jordi (6S), Sev (5S)

  • Sign up and cancellation EMS music tuition

    Mon 17 Oct 2022 Mr Osborn & Ms Neil-Smith

    ​​​​​​If your child would like to learn an instrument in school with an EMS tutor in January the deadline for signing up for lessons is Wednesday 26th October 12 noon which is a later date than advertised.


    Instrumental tuition is on offer to pupils in Years 2-6. Details of the instruments, prices and groups we offer can be found on the Music page of the school website- click here to view this information. To sign up for lessons, click here to complete the online ‘EMS Instrumental Tuition Booking Form’ before the deadline. Please read the terms and conditions for instrumental tuition before submitting the form- click here to view these.


    Lessons will be delivered by Ealing Music Service (EMS) tutors in school.


    If your child is currently enrolled in instrumental tuition and would like to continue lessons there is no need to reapply, they will automatically be allocated a space for January unless we receive a cancellation form by Wednesday 26th October. Click here for the cancellation form.

  • KS2 Hybrid Panathlon Competition

    Fri 14 Oct 2022 Natasha Pasha

    Today the following children: Rasan (3S), Araiya (3P), Sebastian (4S), Tintin (4H), Jacob (4F), Hamdi (5F), Imraan (5F) Georgia (5H), Quinn (5S) Josh (6F), Leo (6P) took part in a Panathlon competition which included 4 mini-games:


    • Boccia Blast – to get your ball as close to a white target ball as possible
    • Parachute Popcorn - to pop as many balls out of the parachute
    • Kurling - sliding weighted stones towards a circular target
    • Flight Path – Velcro target practice


    The Featherstone Sports Partnership hosted this competition at school and has gathered all the children’s points and will compare them against other schools in Ealing. The school with the highest number of points will be announced in February once all schools have had the chance to participate.

  • Easy ways to fundraise for Fielding PTFA

    Fri 14 Oct 2022 PTFA

    When you shop online, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including John Lewis, Amazon, eBay, notonthehighstreet, you will raise FREE donations for Fielding Primary School PTFA  using the EasyFundraising widget that can sit on your phone or desktop. 


    If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, then you can begin using the easyfundraising website or app straightaway - simply shop online as normal. Visit our easyfundraising page to get started:


  • Reading Celebrations and expectations

    Thu 13 Oct 2022 Philippa Whaley

    It has been a pleasure to visit classes this week and see so many pupils reading books for pleasure from the recommended reading lists and completing reading response activities in their new pink book to achieve bronze, silver and even Gold reading certificates already! The options for these activities can be found in your child's reading record or on their year group noticeboard on the website. We look forward to celebrating further reading achievements next week!


    Thank you to all the Year 6 Librarians who supported Mrs Hodge and Miss Whaley at the Book Fair last week. They took just under £1000 in takings and that means lots of free books for pupils from Scholastic will be on their way to Fielding soon!


    Reading daily improves vocabulary and language skills.

    Children learn new words as they read. Subconsciously, they absorb information on how to structure sentences and how to use words and other language features effectively in their writing and speaking. 


    All pupils who attend Fielding are expected to read for 20 minutes at home every day. This may be to a parent, other adult or independently, if able. Teachers will be checking pupils' reading records every day and signing them weekly to ensure that this is happening and will be following up with pupils and parents when it is not. 


    As well as signing their reading record every day and writing the name of the book and pages they've read, pupils and parents are encouraged to record new words they come across and discuss the meanings of these together. Please see the picture below for clear instructions on how to use the reading record daily. 

  • Well done! Values Baccalaureate drop-in and leaderboards

    Thu 13 Oct 2022 Clare Haines

    I am so proud of the children in Years 4, 5 and 6. They have got off to a flying start this school year working towards their Values Baccalaureate awards.


    Completing each stage of the baccalaureate contributes to the overall constellation points total, children are awarded the coloured constellation tokens for each level they achieve;  5 for bronze, 10 for silver, 15 for gold, 25 for platinum.


    Our expectations are:

    by the end of Year 4 - Bronze

    by the end of Year 5 - Silver

    by the end of Year 6 - Gold, and some Platinum


    Our leaderboards are updated by class and constellation so that our Star Leaders can keep a close eye on who has and has not achieved their awards and motivate and offer advice children in their own constellation to get started on working towards these awards. 


    To achieve each of the levels, a portfolio of work should be put together to show how each of the tasks have been met and how this links in with our values (not electronic). This should be shared with the class teacher. Awards will then be awarded by myself or Mr Dunmall in the Monday assembly.


    Find our more about the values baccalaureate or download our task cards click on the link below:

    To look at our current 'hall of fame' click below

    Don't forget our Year 6 Star Leaders and their deputies be offering a drop-in surgery during breaktimes every Thursday for children in years 4, 5 and 6 who are working towards their bronze, silver and gold. Children can chat to the star leaders about ideas on what they could do to achieve their awards. They can also bring in their 'portfolio' of work to show them and get some hints and tips on how to improve it if needed.

Contact Details and Useful Links
