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Keep up to date with all the news happening in the school at the moment. Articles are added during the week. Parents are encouraged to check regularly. Our weekly bulletin, emailed directly to parents, summarises content for the week.

  • Seasonal colds, flu or coronavirus symptoms: when to stay at home

    Tue 15 Sep 2020 Peter Dunmall

    Some pupils are falling ill. Some have taken coronavirus tests. No pupil or member of staff has tested positive, yet. Parents must decide whether your child has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or symptoms of other colds or flu. Your decision is important because it tells us what must happen next. Your decision should tell you what happens to the rest of your household.


    Absence from school is higher than usual. I am not worried about our attendance figures. We want parents to make the right decision for your child, your household and our school community. Parents tell us it is difficult to get a test. We're finding the same for our staff. 


    This text mirrors Ealing’s coronavirus flowchart for parents (Fielding, Parents, COVID-19). We hope it helps your decision making. Key questions and what happens next:

    • When must my child stay at home?
    • Should I get a COVID-19 test?
    • When can my child return to school?
    • What about brothers and sisters coming to school?
    • What school work will they get when they are at home?


    When must my child stay at home?

    If your child has any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), get a test as soon as possible. The test needs to be done in the first 5 days of having symptoms. Keep your child at home until you get the result.

    Most people with coronavirus have at least 1 of these symptoms:

    • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (NHS website says you do not need to measure your temperature, Ealing’s guidance to us also includes a temperature of 37.8°C or above)
    • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if your child usually has a cough, it may be worse than usual)
    • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means your child says that they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

    If anyone in your household has any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), everyone in the household must self-isolate and stay at home for 14 days. Brothers and sisters cannot come to school, even if they have no symptoms.

    Pupils only need to get tested if they themselves show symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), even if they have been sent home to self-isolate because they have been in close contact with someone else who has tested positive.

    Find out more:


    When can my child return to school?

    When you tell us that your child has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or is having a test, this means:

    • your child must self-isolate and stay at home for 10 days;
    • we record your child’s absence using a code X for up to 10 days of absence from school;
    • your child cannot return to school, even if they feel better, until 10 days has passed or they receive a negative test result;
    • everyone else in your household must self-isolate for 14 days, or 10 days from the start of their own symptoms;
    • brothers and sisters cannot come to school, even if they have no symptoms. 

    If your child has a negative coronavirus (COVID-19) test result:

    • they can return to school. We will need to see the test result if you want them to come back to school earlier than 10 days;
    • if brothers and sisters do not have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they can also return to school.

    If your child has got a positive coronavirus (COVID-19) test result:

    • they must stay at home for at least 10 days;
    • you should tell us because we must talk to our local health protection team about keeping everyone else safe;
    • we record your child’s absence using a code X;
    • your child cannot return to school, even if they feel better, until at least 10 days has passed;
    • brothers and sisters must also self-isolate and stay at home for 14 days;


    What learning will my child get while they are at home?

    When pupils are self-isolating at home, we will provide learning if:

    • we have closed a class or year group ‘bubble’;
    • your child has coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms and/or a positive test result;
    • your household has been contacted as part of NHS Test and Trace.

    For pupils in Years 1-6, teachers will use Microsoft Teams, our digital education platform, to:

    • set work matched to the learning that is happening in class;
    • receive completed work, handed-in by pupils working at home;
    • mark and give feedback about completed work each day;
    • contact your child by audio or video conference to check on their learning regularly.

    This will start as soon as your child is absent from school. Log into Microsoft Teams and your child’s learning will be ready for them.

    For pupils in Nursery and Reception, follow our Instagram posts.

    Find out more:

  • PTFA Kick off online meeting, Monday 21st September

    Mon 14 Sep 2020

    Welcome back everyone, 

    Fielding PTFA will kick off this year with an online meeting via zoom on Monday 21st September.  We will hold two meetings first at 9.15am and another at 8.30pm.  You can register via for the morning (Zoom Call ) or the evening (Zoom Call:

    Everyone is welcome and remember to line up some nibbles and drinks for the meeting. While the fluidity of the current situation makes it difficult to plan for this year, our PTFA is keen to get help and suggestions on activities we can do for children and/or parents to encourage our school community and also any potential fundraising ideas. If you are unable to make the meeting and have something to share please email to

    Fielding PTFA raises money to fund projects in school and although our fundraising efforts were curtailed earlier than expected last school year 2019-2020, we still managed to raise nearly £26,000 - which is impressive considering our biggest fundraising efforts are normally in May and June - so thank you all for your support. Our last meeting notes are available below. 

    Class reps should have received an email regarding this meeting and please contact us to update your details. Our class reps are an essential part of our coordinating efforts and a class rep from each class should join the meetings.

    As we start this academic year, we are still at the stage where we cannot hold any social gatherings however we still hope to find avenues that keep our community alive.  So please help us make new children and parents to the school welcome - especially those in Nursery and Reception. Minutes 17.06.2020


    Thank you,

    Fielding PTFA Committee

  • Virtual Ealing Half and Fielding Marathon

    Mon 14 Sep 2020 Dan Thomas

    Ealing Half Marathon

    With current government rules this years Ealing Half Marathon is unable to take place in the same way as it normally does, however the organisers are still running the event in a virtual format. We always have lots of our families taking part and sharing their photos for our Fielding Sporting Stars page and it would be great if we could get a good Fielding turnout again this year. This is what the organisers are saying:


    Ealing Half Marathon has TWO virtual challenges for you to take part in this September and they are open to everyone, whether you signed up to run Ealing Half Marathon this year or not. There are also no age restrictions, so children can take part.

    Queen of the Suburbs Challenge – run, jog or walk in 13 designated Ealing parks. You have the whole of September to complete the challenge. After completion, you’ll receive our Queen of the Suburbs medal.

    13.1 Challenge – this challenge can be done anywhere in the world! If you run, jog or walk 13.1 miles between Monday 21 and Sunday 27 September 2020 you’ll receive our 13.1 Challenge medal.

    Or take on BOTH challenges and SAVE ££. It's just £22 plus a processing fee of £1.16 and you'll receive both medals that fit together to form a cool ‘double medal’. All information can be found on our website:

    All the challenges include your medal in the cost. 


    Fielding Marathon

    Our own Fielding Marathon will be taking place in a different format this year so that we can continue to keep children safe in class bubbles. Unfortunately, this does mean that the Monday and Wednesday morning runs for families before school are no longer able to happen as well as the lunchtime runs for pupils.


    We still want everyone to get involved in the Fielding Marathon though so miles can be ran outside of school this year in your family bubbles. Simply pick a mile route of your choosing which is convenient and safe for you and run with your family. Marathon cards will be handed to class teachers this week for children to take home, just mark off the miles as you run them like you normally do. Each mile must be signed off and dated by a parent Let your class teacher know when you hit the 6 and 13 mile checkpoints and again when you finish and they will collect your sticker, wristband and medals for you.


    Let us know how you get on and good luck.

  • We're back in the garden!

    Fri 11 Sep 2020 Ellie Lock

    It's fantastic to have the children back in the school garden. Ripe strawberries and raspberries were waiting for them, and they've been pond dipping for froglets and baby newts.

    The look on a child's face when they eat a golden raspberry for the first time or find a newt in their net is absolutely priceless.

    Welcome back!

  • Clubs and childcare voucher payments

    Wed 09 Sep 2020 Clare Haines

    Thank you for bearing with us while we work with the MCAS software developers to add your childcare voucher payments to the system. We were planning on having this done by now. Unfortunately we have just been told that the software update due at the beginning of September has been delayed. Please be assured that we have your vouchers and your child’s place in childcare or a club is secure.

    We have transferred Laser credits, and added this to any outstanding childcare payments. We are not yet able to add this to  specialist club payments.

  • Keeping us COVID safe

    Wed 09 Sep 2020 Peter Dunmall

    Two Ealing schools have been forced to partially close less than a week after opening. This is a timely reminder for all of us that coronavirus infection remains a risk.


    We are doing everything we can to keep our pupils and staff safe, to stay fully open and offer pupils our high quality education. This week, we have:

    • changed drop-off and/or collection arrangements for two Year 4 classes and two Reception classes so that there is less congestion and parents can better socially distance;
    • thought about asking parents to wear a face-covering while on the school site but are happy that social distancing is sufficient to reduce the risk of virus transmission, for now;
    • talked to pupils, by video conference assemblies, about keeping safe in class. This includes facing-forwards and not turning around, staying at least 1m+ from their class teacher and 2m from other teachers and adults who work across bubbles;
    • told teachers to be strict with pupils about hand-washing and keeping to our rules to stay safe in class. Teachers are worried that hand-washing is taking lots of class time and we are trying to find ways to do this better;
    • relaxed our emphasis on attendance at school by avoiding celebrating the highest attending class each week and postponing individual attendance certificates. It continues to be important that pupils attend regularly but only when they are well. Pupils with coronavirus symptoms, those who are in quarantine as a result of travel or isolating must not attend school.
    • sharpened our expectations about staff keeping their distance from one another while at work in school and in their home lives;
    • checked that teachers and pupils are following our expectations by walking through the school several times a day;
    • teachers continue regular hand-washing routines as part of our school day;
    • site staff continue regular and frequent cleaning of shared areas and surfaces that are touched most often;
    • switched some things, like Star Leader hustings / voting, assemblies and class sharing assemblies, to video conference by Microsoft Teams so that pupils don't miss out and have a similar experience;
    • behind the scenes, teachers are getting used to working together remotely by Microsoft Teams rather than working collaboratively face-to-face. This includes working from home for half-a-day each week for their planning, preparation and assessment time, and all other staff training and meetings.


    I appreciate the way that parents are managing to keep to social distancing at drop-off and collection time. Many parents in Year 6 and Year 5 are staying away from the school site, letting their children walk to and from school alone. This helps reduce congestion and the number of adults on site.


    I do not want to close a class or year group 'bubble'. We are likely to close a bubble if there is just one confirmed case of COVID-19. Please continue to follow all government guidance and rules at home to keep our pupils and staff safe, protect our bubbles and helping us to stay fully open:


    Cases of coronavirus are rising in Ealing. We might be forced to close a bubble for 14 days of self-isolation. Please get ready now with Microsoft Teams so that learning continues at home:

  • Your child's Microsoft Teams username and password now available

    Tue 08 Sep 2020 Clare Haines

    Microsoft Teams user details are now available to download from MCAS.

    You will need these log-in details for:

    Read more

  • MCAS, How to use the 'school shop'

    Mon 07 Sep 2020 Clare Haines

    Use our helpful guide to help you navigate to the school shop on MCAS

  • MCAS, How to find which clubs and childcare sessions you have booked

    Mon 07 Sep 2020 Clare Haines

    Use our guide to help you navigate your way around My Child at School

  • The curriculum at Fielding

    Mon 07 Sep 2020

    Over the past few years there has been a greater emphasis put on the wider curriculum than ever before. Here at Fielding, we have worked hard to create a curriculum that is relevant for the children who learn it and that equips them for their future, at primary and secondary school and on into their adult lives. As part of this, we have produced a strong 'Curriculum Intent' which provides the guiding principles for decisions made about what and how children learn. This is the driving force behind our curriculum.


    For children in Years 1-6, we have our ‘Curriculum Map’ which details the question that drives each challenge, links to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, key vocabulary and concepts which are weaved through children’s learning. In Key Stage One, children will undertake four humanities challenges and four arts/Design and Technology challenges. Children in Key Stage Two will have three humanities and three arts/D&T driven challenges each year. This carefully considered decision reflects the balance of knowledge and skills required to be taught at each stage. 


    The primary driver for learning are the humanities, as suggested in the National Curriculum and children will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in humanities which can then be applied during art and D&T.


    The curriculum has been structured to take into account the most up-to-date research about teaching, learning and memory. As a result, there are key themes that run though what children learn that will be referenced and noted during lesson times. This structure also allows children to remember and apply knowledge gained in previous years. 


    The full Curriculum Map can be found here and it details the learning taking place. For information about the structure of challenges in each year group, click here.

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